Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The One World Foundation – DONATE NOW!



The One World Foundation – DONATE NOW!

One World Foundation needs your support to continue its work and to realize 3 additional projects in India, Thailand and the Middle East. We would like to raise funds for Dalit children in the poorest regions of India, to facilitate “travelling” libraries in Thailand and to sponsor the education of girls in the Middle East. What is more, we would like to grant scholarships to the Hilltribe students in northern Thailand.
By joining our efforts, you will help us create more educational opportunities and change the lives of hundreds of children. If you would like to become a part of our causes and DONATE, please do it through your bank or OneCoin account in the backoffice > One World Foundation > Donate: http://www.onecoin.eu/backend/owf_page/
Join Us! Together We Can Change The World! Open Your Heart And Donate More Than Money!

What projects and causes OWF participated in during 2015?
One World Foundation has been very active during 2015. We have already participated in 5 charity projects, in a number of initiatives and causes across the Globe.
Due to our generous donation, a bridge will be built in the Tân Phú Đông rural district in South-western Vietnam which will help hundreds of children travel safely to school and arrive on time for their classes. They will no longer be prevented from learning due the lack of a safe route to school.
What is more, dozens of children with disabilities, affected by Agent Orange, will receive medical treatment, rehabilitation and enjoy courses and activities adjusted for their needs in the Tay Ninh Peace Village.
In order to help as many children as possible, One World Foundation has joined the cause of the Romanov Fund for Russia. Our significant donation will be used for charitable activities in the Russian Federation and the CIS region, where children with visual and hearing disabilities will be relieved. They will be given new opportunities to learn and develop thanks to the One World Foundation’s indispensable assistance.
One World Foundation is now the main contributor to a project called Morning Light. The Foundation is providing funds for the rent of a special needs training centre in an orphanage in north-west China, where 206 children will receive help to reach their full potential. This includes therapy, training for parents and family members in the local community as well as teaching academic subjects and life skills.
Last but not least, One World Foundation is one of the main sponsors of the international violin competition “Vasco Abadjiev”, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a truly prestigious and internationally unique musical forum where young musicians will have the opportunity to show their potential.
For more information and exciting news about our new projects, please visit the OWF website:  http://oneworldfoundation.eu/index.html.

21.10.2015 11:50


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