Monday, February 22, 2016

A Fake OneCoin Site in China

A Fake OneCoin Site in China

A fake OneCoin site has been spotted and reported to us by one of our leaders. The site imitates the design and feel of the official OneCoin website, providing information in both Chinese and English but has nothing to do with the official OneCoin website. The fake site that has been identified to falsely claim to be OneCoin with back office:
With that in mind, we inform all our members, especially those of you, located in China, more specifically the Guiyang and Guizhou provinces, to be careful and to remember that there is only one OneCoin site and you can find it on: .  
If you spot similar sites, please inform our Support team: and inform your network to be cautious as well.
We receive information about fake codes and invites as well as about misleading promotional strategies. When in doubt, please make sure you check your back office, the news section on or ask our Support Team whether the information is true.
We take information about false and misleading practices seriously and do our best to spread the word. Keep in mind that we use official channels to inform you of any promotions or opportunities happening at OneCoin. So, please subscribe for our Newsletter or join State of the Nation webinar each Thursday or check the News section on or our Facebook page.

Best Regards,
The OneCoin Team

13.07.2015 12:07


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