Monday, February 22, 2016

Dubai Event Announcement

Dubai Event Announcement


Dear Members,
Our event in Dubai on May 15th is just around the corner! A number of presenters, exciting news and the opportunity to meet our team!
Some of the hot topics include OneCoin, Aurum Gold Coin and the One World Foundation.
In less than a year we have reached over 260 000 members and over 144 000 000 OneCoins were mined! That makes OneCoin the fastest growing cryptocurrency!
A pioneer in the world of cryptocurrency, each Aurum Gold Coin is backed up by 10mg of pure gold and 0.01 fractions of the cryptocurrency OneCoin.
One World Foundation helps children with eyesight impediments like cataract to get a surgery that dramatically changes their lives. With the generous donations of our founder Dr. Ruja Ignatova and our OneCoin members, we have made it possible for 73 children so far to live a normal and healthy life without eyesight impediments. If you would like to learn more or donate, please check the One World Foundation site:
Thank you for a fantastic year! We are looking forward to seeing you in Dubai!
Best Regards, The OneCoin Team

12.05.2015 13:43


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