Monday, February 22, 2016

OneCoin Market Capitalization

OneCoin Market Capitalization

One of the highlights of our event in Dubai was to see OneCoin climbing up the ranks in market capitalization.
It is a huge success for us, that one exchange will list our cryptocurrency. You can calculate market capitalization by multiplying coins mined* market price. And you will see that we surpassed already Litecoin – and will continue climbing the ranks.
Why can’t you find OneCoin yet on coinmarket and other pages? Because OneCoin is a very new cryptocurrency, not open for trading for everyone (yet). Currently only the ONE Network can mine and trade the coin at the ONE Exchange. There are many cryptocurrencies outside – not all listed on all websited. All websites listing cryptocurrencies are private websites – and decide alone which currencies to list and not. It is up to them, if they would like to list OneCoin and when they will list OneCoin. OneCoin is a successful, genuine cryptocurrency – and we believe that soon also this websites will not be able to ignore our success and will list the currency.
We are extremely pleased that OneCoin is listed on one exchange, and are confident that more will follow in the next year. Until then visit and watch OneCoin’s development.

17.05.2015 03:37


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