Monday, February 22, 2016

One World Foundation: Thank You for Your Support


 One World Foundation: Thank You for Your Support

Thank you all for your generous donations to our One World Foundation during the Dubai Event – great fundraising achievement, where 650.000 OneCoins and 50.000 cash were given to our cause!

Reminding that our mission is to empower children and youth to learn about today’s economy - to educate them how to become successful using the modern technologies in the era of globalization and to master their lives. Also, we will continue with our charity activities and projects at the poorest regions of the world. We have several projects that will be launched soon.
Watch our presentation:
On you can donate both OneCoins and cash, and join our efforts to help children improve their health and their lives. Thank you!

Best Regards,
The OneCoin Team

22.05.2015 14:07


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